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24/7 updates on happenings in africa
*LORDEAGLE said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-05-02 04:21
It looks like lordeagle have been out for sometime now.... And who knws wat z takin much of hz time? Well he gat this for an answer :happy: Many ppl thought javascript is 2 had 2 learn but am going 2 prov dem wrong it needed only concentration jxt like html xml wml and other programing languages Now lets create site greetings using javascript note uc browser might quote u wrong or time zone error. First create a plaintext file and name it myfirstjavascript.js now study edit and paste this code in it
/ * Js from http://lordeagle.eaglenet.xtgem.com * /
now = new Date ();
h = now.getUTCHours ();
if (hours <3) {document.write ("Good morning ...!")}
else {if (hours <9) {document.write ("Good Morning ...!")}
else {if (hours <11) {document.write ("Good Afternoon ...!")}
else {if (hours <16) {document.write ("Good Night ...!")}
else {if (hours <22) {document.write ("Happy Hour Boss ...!")}
else {document.write ("Good morning ...!")}
// -> / * LORDEAGLE * /

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Note share ur work here lets have fun!
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