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*BECODED 2016-12-05 09:08
Sir help me wit d paging and jump box code of i want the jump box code to be in the middle of the paging script like the one in the above link.
(Edited by 2016-12-06 10:03 Becoded )
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*LORDEAGLE said to Becoded 0n 2016-12-05 15:02
U can use filelist in xtscript like my whatsapp field. U can equally use xt page break or blog.
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*LORDEAGLE said to Becoded 0n 2016-12-05 15:39
U can use filelist in xtscript like my whatsapp field. U can equally use xt page break or blog.
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*WEBSCHOOL said to Lordeagle 0n 2016-12-05 20:57
hw?? pleas show us with an examp
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*LORDEAGLE said to Webschool 0n 2016-12-05 23:37
Am sorry am too busy solving individual requests buh this gonna help
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*LORDEAGLE said to Webschool 0n 2016-12-05 23:40
U can equally use xt:include or this i believe weezy used the later cus thats wat i used on my whatsapp field
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*LORDEAGLE said to Webschool 0n 2016-12-05 23:44
This what i mean wen i said u can use xt:include
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*BECODED said to Lordeagle 0n 2016-12-06 10:04
Sir help me wit d paging and jump box code of i want the jump box code to be in the middle of the paging script like the one in the above link.
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*LORDEAGLE said to Becoded 0n 2016-12-06 14:37
U will see custom paging in one of the links i dropd above customize it to ya taste and copy that jump box code via source viewer
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*STRIKELORD said to Becoded 0n 2016-12-11 11:48
(Edited by 2016-12-11 11:50 STRIKELORD )
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