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*LORDEAGLE 2015-11-01 23:27
Due to many of the requests I gat from you guys to help u with weezywap's search script b4 I was handicapd cuz its weezy's edition and I respects copy wright but after my chat with weezy tonight he asked me to share it. Note: this might not be exactly the code weezy has in his script bcuz I codded this one based on assumption cuz the script is made of xtscript wich is parsed over the sever and its not available in the page source code but it's 99% the same in output. The only change is the pagination which has more than the 2pages option in weezy's, this is for easy navigation. On the Demo page Here the output has some diff diz is coursd by my css so if u're using weezy's css I assure u of 99% output if not 100%!
Copy Below Fill,Duplicate the folders and Enjoy! One has been done to show example.

(Edited by 2015-11-01 23:29 Lordeagle )
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