said to Lordeagle 0n
2015-10-17 00:30
Help me check this out..............
that was my music folder I don't no why e list all this out and didnt list any of my music out.
help me correct it the code below
that was my music folder I don't no why e list all this out and didnt list any of my music out.
help me correct it the code below
<center><xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" folder:/Music" template="<table width='100%'><tr><td width='25%' class='zxfourborder' align='center'><img src='http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/iphoneicon/play.png' width='100%' height='100%'></td><td width='75%' align='left' class='zxfourborder'><img src='http://weezywap.xtgem.com/images/rating.gif'/><br/><b>Name: </b><b style='color:blue'>.file_name_parsed.</b><br/><b>File Size: </b><b style='color:green'>.file_size.</b><br/><b>• </b><a href='.file_url.?__xt_download=1'><b style='color:red'>Download Now!</b></a></td></tr></table>" filter="*.*" per_page="5" /><br/>Jump to page:<form action="<xt:url type="path" />" method="get"><input type="text" style="width:25px" name="__filelist_page"><input
type="submit" value="jump"></form></center>
Copy code
type="submit" value="jump"></form></center>
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