LORDEAGLE said to Kellubosswap 0n 2015-02-11 22:20
Here is my forum categories list code its xt filelist nd u have to study it well b4 use. Edit the ones in capital letters now for dat of 2go rules its nt somtin u can handle nw but if u tink u can handle it pass dis test. Edit d code below for it to display different images dnt ask anybody its somtin u can do wit ur brain. GOODLUCK!
<div class="EAGLE"><div class="NET">»Forum Categories</div></div>
<xt:filelist sort_type="xt:filelist" sort_dir="updated" folder="UR_FOLDER" template="<table width='100%'><tr><td width='25%' class='LORDEAGLE' align='center'><img src='UR_PREVIEW_IMAGE' width='80%' height='80%'></td><td width='75%' align='left' class='LORDEAGLE'><b>•Name:</b><b style='color:blue'> .file_name.</b><br/><br/><a href='.file_url.'><b style='color:red'>•Join!</b></a></td></tr></table>" per_page="10" />
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<xt:filelist sort_type="xt:filelist" sort_dir="updated" folder="UR_FOLDER" template="<table width='100%'><tr><td width='25%' class='LORDEAGLE' align='center'><img src='UR_PREVIEW_IMAGE' width='80%' height='80%'></td><td width='75%' align='left' class='LORDEAGLE'><b>•Name:</b><b style='color:blue'> .file_name.</b><br/><br/><a href='.file_url.'><b style='color:red'>•Join!</b></a></td></tr></table>" per_page="10" />
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