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*LENYLOGGINS 2015-10-08 11:37
Eagle-san pls the download counter code
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*LORDEAGLE said to Lenyloggins 0n 2015-10-08 19:35
Copy Below[code]Hits <xt:widget id="xt.c.a.t." tool="Counter" key="$key" xtuser= "$xtuser" call="$file_name"/><br/><xt:widget id="xt.c.a.t." tool="Ratings" text1="Rate $file_name" text2="Not Yet Rated. Be The First." text3="Your Rating" text4="Out Of" text5="Total Votes" button1="Rate It!" key="$key" xtuser= "$xtuser" call="$file_name" />[/cdoe] thats both hits and rating widget
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