thank you very much your wapmasta,source coding by riverdrift..i need the code so that i can add it to my wapmasta zone......lord eagle i also need to learn source coding!
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View the page code using source code. How to source code: goto the page u wan sourcecode get d page link goto and paste the copied link 4 u to view d page url.
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thank you my honorable dear friend!!! u ar awesome... send me the sorce coding code so that i can add it to my wapmasta zone
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U can still get it via d same source code viewer
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ok sir but am still learning... drop it here, via forum abeg
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<title>Eaglenet Source Code Viewer Using JavaScript</title>
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function viewSource(l,x){
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<input type="button" value="view source" class="btn btn-md btn-info" onclick="viewSource(location,this.form.url)"/>
function viewSource(l,x){
if(x.value==" "){return alert("No Input Value!");}
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OK send me wapmasters zone full page codes
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