2015-08-05 12:47
Eaglenet filelist
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<div class="lordeagle"><h2 class="name"><a href="/music">MUSICS, SONGS AND RINGTONES</a>
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<xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" folder="/music/witprev" template="<div class='product'><a class='product-link' href='http://click.buzzcity.net/click.php?partnerid=136453' title='.file_name.'><div class='pull-left'><img class='product-icon' src='/music/zicon/.file_name..png' alt='.file_name.'><div class='info'><h5>.file_name_base_parsed.</h5><img src='/tools/work/ratings/64_stars_50.png' alt='5.0' title='rated 5.0' class='rating'/></div></div><div class='pull-right'><a href='/download?file=.file_name.&name=.file_name_parsed.&category=.file_mime.&size=.file_size.&href=.file_url.&date=.file_date.&time=.file_time.&fold=/music/witprev&img=/music/zicon/.file_name..png'class='btn' title='download .file_name.' style='background-color:#d20808;'>download</a></div></a></div>" filter="*.*" per_page="10" /></div>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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<div class="lordeagle"><h2 class="name"><a href="/music">MUSICS, SONGS AND RINGTONES</a>
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<xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" folder="/music/witprev" template="<div class='product'><a class='product-link' href='http://click.buzzcity.net/click.php?partnerid=136453' title='.file_name.'><div class='pull-left'><img class='product-icon' src='/music/zicon/.file_name..png' alt='.file_name.'><div class='info'><h5>.file_name_base_parsed.</h5><img src='/tools/work/ratings/64_stars_50.png' alt='5.0' title='rated 5.0' class='rating'/></div></div><div class='pull-right'><a href='/download?file=.file_name.&name=.file_name_parsed.&category=.file_mime.&size=.file_size.&href=.file_url.&date=.file_date.&time=.file_time.&fold=/music/witprev&img=/music/zicon/.file_name..png'class='btn' title='download .file_name.' style='background-color:#d20808;'>download</a></div></a></div>" filter="*.*" per_page="10" /></div>
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2015-08-16 04:36
Hello Friends And Fans!
Am back with another product!
Whats it this time?
I know most of you had wanted my forum twig but it seems like am stingy for not wanting to give the out...
Worry no more! I have gat something far better than the php twig sturf!
Whats this newthing???
Lordeagle version 1.0
Whats the big deal???
1,its better than the twig template because it run and executes by the browser without callin on d sever.
2.Has no bugg(s)and can never develop any as long as css is concerned!
3.enhances page load as less work is done by the sever.
4.stands out as ur defult css even at page errors when other forums will look awkward!
5.Designed with css version 1&2 which means all browser support.
6.Updates itself when new versions are released by eaglenet teams....and many more features!
Wow how do I get or use it!???
Its easier than ABCD just goto ur forum page and remove ur current forum css,template and twig if any! Now copy this link
Note: It must not be in any folder, you must not edit un else u ar a css guru! Infact dont try to open it if u ar a css file not created by u! Cuz dat simply means u ar nt a guru!, and even if u ar a guru adding or removing company info may terminate our update link its very sensitive!.
Still waiting for next step?? Oops! Ur forum is on a new world! Rush and check and come bk 2 drop feedback!!! See demo @ http://eaglenet.xtgem.com version 2 ready but 4 sale!
Whats d difference??? It came with jquery which adds members icon,admin icon,moderators icon,non logged users icon, a drop down menu of users menu with new icons and many premuim features I dont want drop demo 4 dat becuz its nt yet protectd against scammers but what u c on my forum shld be enough convince u dat such tin had been made available by ur no. 1 coding master lordeagle
Am back with another product!
Whats it this time?
I know most of you had wanted my forum twig but it seems like am stingy for not wanting to give the out...
Worry no more! I have gat something far better than the php twig sturf!
Whats this newthing???
Lordeagle version 1.0
Whats the big deal???
1,its better than the twig template because it run and executes by the browser without callin on d sever.
2.Has no bugg(s)and can never develop any as long as css is concerned!
3.enhances page load as less work is done by the sever.
4.stands out as ur defult css even at page errors when other forums will look awkward!
5.Designed with css version 1&2 which means all browser support.
6.Updates itself when new versions are released by eaglenet teams....and many more features!
Wow how do I get or use it!???
Its easier than ABCD just goto ur forum page and remove ur current forum css,template and twig if any! Now copy this link
Note: It must not be in any folder, you must not edit un else u ar a css guru! Infact dont try to open it if u ar a css file not created by u! Cuz dat simply means u ar nt a guru!, and even if u ar a guru adding or removing company info may terminate our update link its very sensitive!.
Still waiting for next step?? Oops! Ur forum is on a new world! Rush and check and come bk 2 drop feedback!!! See demo @ http://eaglenet.xtgem.com version 2 ready but 4 sale!
Whats d difference??? It came with jquery which adds members icon,admin icon,moderators icon,non logged users icon, a drop down menu of users menu with new icons and many premuim features I dont want drop demo 4 dat becuz its nt yet protectd against scammers but what u c on my forum shld be enough convince u dat such tin had been made available by ur no. 1 coding master lordeagle
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Nyc 1 Eagle but how do we upload it if not in any folder???
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Advance and simpler random filelist from paging function
The script below is what i used to display and show random files @ my homepage http://eaglenet.xtgem.com study and edit to display random files if u need any help send me a private message(pm) or visit my forum http://forum.eaglenet.xtgem.com
The script below is what i used to display and show random files @ my homepage http://eaglenet.xtgem.com study and edit to display random files if u need any help send me a private message(pm) or visit my forum http://forum.eaglenet.xtgem.com
var pg = "<xt:url/>"
if (pg == "http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index"){
location.replace('http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index?__filelist_page=<xt:random from="1" to="10" x="1"/>')};
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var pg = "<xt:url/>"
if (pg == "http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index"){
location.replace('http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index?__filelist_page=<xt:random from="1" to="10" x="1"/>')};
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(Edited by 2015-08-23 04:06 Lordeagle )
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peeps the problem has been point out where I shared the code on xtgem forum. The problem occured becaus ther was no space b/w my url nd d code so I now edited and put space bt dats by d way. Webs(one of d xtgem activ wapmasta in d forum)also pointd out that though d script deservd thumbs up but it has some limitations wic is dat d script is limited 2 d user estimatd pages (i.e from=1 to=10) so wen u upload abov ur estimatd pages automatically u must hav to go back nd update d codes. When I saw such comment I was like= Is that a problem? But u knw white ppl likes efficiency nd modification nd dat y dy grow(dem no get brain pass us cus I get some of them wey I dy teach. But dem uses their brain wel. Nigerians dont make constructive critism nd dats y I hate helpin dem otha than the outsiders). So after readin his comment I knw he espects me nd graham(as 2 of us is d last men standing in d forum as advancd users)to do something. Immediately sometin came into my mind... Nd dat is xtgem custom pagin developd by graham. D script made provision 4 total pages count nd I immediately refered him 2 d script 4 him 2 mak use of it nd also told dat it wil be useless if he has 2 or mor filelist on d page cuz evry filelist on d page wr javascript is, is meant 2 randomise. Then came graham wit his own idea(I codes client side script and sever side own...what a pair...)he made provision of a xtscript dat gets filecount nd devides it by number of d pages and out put d result(thats sever side ni)though i can do that with my javascript had it been the idea struct me b4 now and here is his own script its helpin ni?
i know some ppl dont like xtscript becuz little tin dy vex d script
so if u want me 2 code dem to javascript only say hi if u dont say ni....happy sunday peeps
var $c=<xt:filecount folder="/myfolder" />
var $c=call ceil $num=($c/10)
var pg = "<xt:url/>"
if (pg == "http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index"){
location.replace('http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index?__filelist_page=<xt:random from="1" to="{_$$c|}" x="1"/>')};
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var $c=<xt:filecount folder="/myfolder" />
var $c=call ceil $num=($c/10)
var pg = "<xt:url/>"
if (pg == "http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index"){
location.replace('http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/index?__filelist_page=<xt:random from="1" to="{_$$c|}" x="1"/>')};
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i know some ppl dont like xtscript becuz little tin dy vex d script

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