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*EXAMSOLUTION 2015-04-12 11:51
i knw b4 u start some1 help u to build up ur site ....
I rilly need ur help here
click here to see my site
pls help me wid ur complete site code pls...
1st Go to header
scrol down to open in code editor....pls copy it nd drop it here 4 me
.2nd go to footer open in code editor nd drop here 4 me
...i will edit everyting my self pls... I need help......thanks
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*LORDEAGLE said to Examsolution 0n 2015-04-12 14:34
U ar ryt mr benson som1 hlpd me nd dats w3schools dr i startd. 4 d heada nd foota its beta u source code cuz u wnt undastnd my internal source code
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*LORDEAGLE said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-04-12 14:42
U might tink dat i dnt want 2 gv u mine but .....of u ar wrng copy it below
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now u g2g
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*JIDENIS 2015-05-15 09:06
Please i need code for ur image file list and how to use 1 pic for each file
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*ACTIVISTS.XTGEM.COM 2015-06-29 02:45
this html code for put url address bar to our site is the result of my research, please spread the information about this html code to the world!


VISIT THIS SITE:<hr/><input name="URL" onchange="if (this.value) (this.value)" value="http://"/><br/><input type="submit" value="○ URL" style="background-color:#bbbbbb;color:#ffff00"/><hr/><p/><hr/><p/><hr/>
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*LORDEAGLE said to ACTIVISTS.XTGEM.COM 0n 2015-06-29 17:23
Nice u tried bro!
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*LORDEAGLE said to JIDENIS 0n 2015-06-29 17:25
<!DOCTYPE html>
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