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*SKIDOOO said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-20 06:35
Ok pls tell me the exactly name of it
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE said to skIdOOO 0n 2015-07-20 07:29
See me see wahala o. Do I knw the script that u need, am not the person that creatd d scripts & der z no way i can memorize their names. U shld knw the one bearing a name related to wat u ar lookin 4.
  • rated(0)
*SKIDOOO said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-20 12:08
Ok thankx
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE said to skIdOOO 0n 2015-07-20 17:35
U wcm
  • rated(0)
*SKIDOOO said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-31 08:43
Pls tell me how to set Getvariables on wapka site pls
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE said to skIdOOO 0n 2015-07-31 20:16
Create a thread in wapka coding help...
  • rated(0)
*SKIDOOO said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-08-16 21:01
Pls give me the news xsript here dnt tell me dat i should go to coding help zone pls jst give me here
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE said to skIdOOO 0n 2015-08-16 22:57
Put this code above the sexond one
# Default feed ( title and url separate with | )
var $default_feed=Yahoo world news|https://uk.news.yahoo.com/rss/world
# More Feeds ( title and url separate with | ) ( feed data chunks separate with , I use separate lines for clarity )
var $feeds=$default_feed,BBC world news|http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml
var $feeds=$feeds,Yahoo oddly enough|https://uk.news.yahoo.com/rss/oddly-enough
var $feeds=$feeds,BBC science and enviroment news|http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/science_and_environment/rss.xml
# Other settings
var $per_page=3
var $items=0
var $time_ago=1
var $template=<div class="xt_feed_item"><a href=".link.">.title.</a><br /><div name="pubdate">.pubDate.</div>.description.</div>
get feed
# Cookies
if $feed
call cookie::set $name=last_feed;$val=$feed;$expire=2419200;$force_current=1
var $feed=call cookie::get $name=last_feed;$default=$default_feed

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*LORDEAGLE said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-08-16 22:59
Now put this below
# Outer container
print <div id="xt_feed" class="xt_feed">

# Feed selection menu
var $offset=0
var $action=<xt:url noquery="yes"/>
print <div class="xt_feed_select">
print <form class="form" action="$action" method="post">
print <select class="select" name="feed">
var $next_feed = call strpos $haystack=$feeds,;$needle=,;$offset=$offset
if not $next_feed
goto @end_select
var $this_feed= call substr $val=$feeds,;$start=$offset;$length=($next_feed-$offset)
var $split=call strpos $haystack=$this_feed;$needle=|
var $option_title=call substr $val=$this_feed;$start=0;$length=$split
if $feed==$this_feed
print <option value="$this_feed" selected="selected">
print <option value="$this_feed">
print $option_title</option>
var $offset=($next_feed+1)
goto @loop0
# Submit and close form
print  </select><input class="xt_button submit" type="submit" value="go"/></form></div>
# Main RSS function call
var $feed_split=call strpos $haystack=$feed;$needle=|
var $feed_title=call substr $val=$feed;$start=0;$length=$feed_split
var $feed_title=<h2>$feed_title</h2>
var $feed_url= call substr $val=$feed;$start=($feed_split+1)
get_or_default __xt_content_page;1
var $count=1
var $offset=2
var $template=call htmlspecialchars $val=$template
var $feed=<xt:feed feed="$feed_url" number="$items" template="||$template" />||
var $feed_end=call strlen $val=$feed

print <div class="xt_feed_title">$feed_title</div>
print <div class="xt_feed_inner">
print <!--parser:xt_pagination-->
var $start_item=$offset
var $end_item=call strpos $haystack=$feed;$needle=||;$offset=$offset
if not $count > ($__xt_content_page*$per_page) or not $count <= ($__xt_content_page-1*$per_page)
call substr $val=$feed;$start=$start_item;$length=($end_item-$start_item-6)
if $count==$per_page
print <!--parser:xt_page_split-->
var $count=0
var $offset=($end_item+2)
if $offset < $feed_end
var $count=($count+1)
goto @loop
print <!--/parser:xt_pagination-->
print </div>
# Close outer container
print </div>

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*SKIDOOO said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-08-18 09:56
Ok thankx so much
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