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*STRIKELORD said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-08-23 05:33
Nice 1 Eagle!...
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE said to STRIKELORD 0n 2015-08-23 14:25
Thanks strike
  • rated(0)
*MAGIKLORD said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-08-27 17:43
Eagle drop your blog twig
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE said to MAGIKLORD 0n 2015-08-27 20:15
copy below note u must paste it in plain text file named
<!-- ** XtbLog Twig Original By Xtgem Edited By
Author : Obasi Michael Ugochukwu
Wapsite : http://eaglenet.xtgem.com
email : eaglemike7@gmail.com
facebook : fb.com/eaglenetsoftwares
Twitter: @eaglenetsoft  ** -->
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{{ data.post.title }}</h2></header>
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Thank's for reading my article <b><a  href="{{ data.post.url }}">{{ data.post.title }}</a></b><br>
<mark>{{ data.translations.t_created }}</mark><q> {{ data.post.date }}</q><br/>
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<div class="footer">XTBlog Twig  by: <a href="http://eaglenet.xtgem.com">Eaglenet</a> | <a href="http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/user.php"><script type="text/javascript" src="http://st1.freeonlineusers.com/on4.php?id=479108"></script> User</a></div>{% endblock %}

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{% else %}
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{% endif %}</div>
{% if comment.is_hidden %}
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{% else %}
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{% endif %}

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{% endif %}
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{% endif %}
{% if comment.show_more %}
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{% endif %}
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{% if comment.childs %}
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{{ _self.comments_list(comment.childs, ctx) }}
{% endif %}

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{{ data.pagination_html|raw }}
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{% if data.comments_form.spam_comments %}
<font color="red">Opps!! Sorry, Please input before writing The Being in the picture below</font>: <br />
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{% block no_contents_searchbox %}
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{% for key, value in data.searchbox.params %}
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{% elseif view == 'no_entry' %}
{% block no_entry %}
<div class="comment-title">Sorry No blog entry found / Maaf Belum ada post artikel disini admin belum buat artikel baru</div>
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}

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  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE 2015-08-29 15:35
How to remove xtgem ads 4rm d top of ur pages and relocate to somewhere else on ur page:
* Its very simple with my created js
What to do go to ur footer and paste this as ur last code
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://dpix.yn.lt/tools/Ads.js"></script>
Copy code

Now go to ur header or footer(any one u want it 2 be)paste this code where u want it to appear
<div id="xtAds">get the fuck Ads here!</div>
Copy code

I will advise u not 2 put it in any other container if possible.
*Note dont try to upload d js it might not work dats y I left it where I created it and used am like that even on my site.
  • rated(0)
*LORDEAGLE 2015-10-03 16:58
Our Long thirst For an advance Search Form On xtgem has been partialy quenched since Graham Produced the latest His latest xtscript/javascript Files Search for xtgem sites. He was able to filter out files related to some of the search string as xtfilelist filter has one parameter. He also added paging using an inline form, he went as far as providing file count and condition replies and the script is very helpful and cool as well! But what happens to the filelist its hard to alter with the Array list the script provided,this is a problem. And the files search is limited to xtfilelist filter these and some other problems that I tried to solve in my xtgem file search made by javascript only. HERE IS WHAT IT SOLVED.
1. It provided Full and Normal Fiielist paging.
2. More sensitive search b/c search is based on any part of the filename.
3. Color for the active page for user easy navigation.
4. Normal xtgem filelist! I.e any filelist can be used.
5. Unlimited folder search!
6. Based on simple js, free, Very easy to edit and use.
7. Versions 1,2,3 already available.
8. More versions comming soon!
Help your self with version of ur choice
Version1: http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/wrk/srch
Version2: http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/wrk/srch_v2 (this version 2 has checkbox which is used to make very high,insenstive and supersearch. Infact every character becomes a search string).
version3: http://eaglenet.xtgem.com/wrk/srch_v3 (version3 lost the check box propty of v2 but is greater than earlier version as it tends to solve the problem of sensitivity of the used css selector by converting the string to uppercase,lowercase and also join it to the original search string for a stronger search.) Hope you like it? Pls let me know.
(Edited by 2015-10-03 17:21 Lordeagle )
  • rated(0)
*MR_EXAMSOLUTION said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-10-04 10:38
  • rated(0)
* (guest said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-10-08 05:23
(Edited by 2015-10-08 14:56 Lordeagle )
  • rated(0)
*MAGIKLORD said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-10-08 17:10
Lordeagle you should be sharing this code you used to differentiate admins from members to us pls.
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*LORDEAGLE said to MAGIKLORD 0n 2015-10-08 19:06
I'v been doin that but no one appreciate and some said i use dem to brag. So i thought i ryt to keep my work(s) to myself, since ppl dat am coding 4 now sees me as a prostitute.
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