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*STRIKELORD said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-08 08:59
U Ar Welcum Bro!
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*STRIKELORD said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-08 08:59
U Ar Welcum Bro!
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*STRIKELORD said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-08 09:00
U Ar Welcum Bro!
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*LORDEAGLE 2015-07-15 13:18
Hello friends!
Sory 4 d break, though nt yet back buh stil around. Am sory 2 anounce dat am leavin xtgem 2 wapka nd 4rm wapka 2 wordpress buh I LOVE XTGEM! Den y am I leavin??? 2 d best of my knowledge I don try on xtgem so mak I take the next step. On this month in 2014 I joind xtgem nd became a newbie so on dz same mont am leavin 4 wapka 2 spend a yr atmost, maybe nt upto... Next month eaglenet wil be 1yr 4rm d tym of creation! These are the tins eaglenet thought within this eleven months wich I wil like 2 share b4 leavin 4 wapka.
1. Html, xml, xhtml,and wml basics.
2. Javascript, xtscript, php and mysql basics.
3. Css full knowledge xcludin css3.
These are the tins I have used them 4.
1. Creatin and designin
2. Building A nice video site with just javascript and the videos ar updated 24/7 see .
3. Modifying all xtgem twigs.
4. Modified chatroom with xtscript.
5. Creating A navigation bar that changes page background by itself.
6. Music Iframe with paging.
7. Hiding xtgem ads.
8. Creating a table that has td margin 4 ucbrowser(this one is unbelievable abi?)
9. Creating any domain with any phone that can browse even china.
10. Getting google registration wit any phone dat can browse.
11. Google search engine that search and display result in ur site the way u want(credit 2 google I only d design 2 mak it luk d way want.)
12. Changing the content, look and design of a site according to device. Without anyscript.
13. Makin ur site 2 look well(RWD) even if nokia touch come get browser.
14. Correcting a general mistake in ur site within 10secs, e.g u usd <b style="blue"> in ur 2go arena nd want rmv all of dm dis may tak u up 2 1wk, buh if u ad lordeagle it wil b 1min.
16. Uploadin 1000files or mor wit jst 10mb in jst 2hrs or less or mor it depends on u!
Abeg mak I stop here If u need any of this b4 I leav xtgem pm me or follow@eaglemike7,,, 2go lordeagle4 bbm personal, whatsapp peronal, eskimi mikeeagle, frim lordeagle, mxit mikeeagle, yahoo mikeeagle75 etc. Who be this @
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*SIR_SUNSTAR said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-15 19:04
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*SIR_SUNSTAR said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-15 19:04
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*SIR_SUNSTAR said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-15 19:04
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*SIR_SUNSTAR said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-15 19:09
Pls i suggest u drop their tutorials cause to ping u and teach may take time if u drop their tutorial if anybody ask u then u redirect him/her here.. Hw can u teach all people if all ping you?
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*LORDEAGLE said to Sir_Sunstar 0n 2015-07-15 20:11
Hmm its nt easy o
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*SIR_SUNSTAR said to Lordeagle 0n 2015-07-15 20:32
Yes nt easy... Bt try to be droping the tutorial one by one..
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