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*JOSHIYEMZY 2016-06-01 23:39
Sir eagle pls hw cn i code my twig like examthings
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*LORDEAGLE said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-01 23:52
In ur filebrowser, create a folder named "_xtgem_templates" without (")quotes. Upload this link into it using upload via server
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*JOSHIYEMZY said to Lordeagle 0n 2016-06-01 23:53
Done sir
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*LORDEAGLE said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-01 23:55
View ur blog
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*JOSHIYEMZY said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-01 23:56
It says Uploading files that violate laws or copyrights is strictly prohibited. Uploaded file size limit - 5MB.
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*JOSHIYEMZY said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-02 00:37
And ot works thanks alot guru eagle God bless
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*JOSHIYEMZY said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-02 22:09
Please i need help on file list. how can i set up my music file list that it will show d image of d artiste jus like xtblog twig
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*LORDEAGLE said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-03 03:43
Hmmmm just rename the images with the name of the files and still the image extensions...this style is good for newbies
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*JOSHIYEMZY said to Lordeagle 0n 2016-06-03 07:28
I dobt understand pls brk down
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*LORDEAGLE said to joshiyemzy 0n 2016-06-03 15:42
If the file name is eagle.mp3 d icon shld b renamed to eagle.mp3.png cus the images need uniform extension
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